EVI® - The next big thing in CX since the NPS.

Emotions and emotional experiences are more important to brands than ever. We felt that CX needed rethinking. This is the reason we built EVI® - Emotional value index™ that is based on the value that different emotions bring to brands.

This is the revolution of CX.


What is EVI®?

The Emotional Value Index (EVI®) is a comparable business Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Customer Experience (CX) that measures if you are evoking the emotions that support your company's sustainable and long-term growth, strategy, and profitability. EVI® measures both tactical level as well as Strategical level as it considers the emotions of the customer.

EVI® works through a standardized framework with its own question and answer options that are based on a thorough research framework.

The EVI® framework and methodology are based on research dating from 2012 to 2021 and are based on thousands of data points and a vast base of academic research. The first public release of EVI® dates back to 2013 and 2015 when the first working paper on EVI® was released as part of the master’s studies of one of the authors. Since then, the first results of EVI® were published in 2016 and the first commercialization of EVI® started. EVI® was incorporated as part of a survey tool for the first time in 2018 with Feedbackly. Since that date, thousands of customers have given Emotional Experience data to the pool.

The EVI® methodology

Emotional Value Index (EVI®) is an easy-to-use concept. The EVI® works framework is a standardized framework with its own question and answer options that are based on a thorough research framework. The data is collected by selecting from the selection of emotions coming from theory and adjusted to the business environment.

An important note is that when collecting data, the form must be on a circular form. This is because it eliminates the question/survey bias most effectively as the person answering the question is not able to affect the result as much.

Data and emotions are categorized in clusters which give them the value based on the impact they have on the business. From here the actual score can be calculated (Read more from the eBook).


Want to learn more?

Today, a whopping 46% of consumers say that customer experience is the main driver of the purchase decision whereas pricing is only 20%. But what is the main driver of customer experience? Emotions.

Emotions are the key drivers that ultimately determine whether we buy or not. They comprise the most vital part of the customer experience: Everything from customer satisfaction to the willingness to recommend is tied to them. Furthermore, once we’ve decided to buy, we choose which company to do business with based on the experience and the emotional drivers behind it.

This led to the creation of the EVI® or the Emotional Value Index. The Emotional Value Index (EVI®) measures the level and types of emotion that drive your sales. It automatically delivers invaluable data and insight which can be used to optimize your business to drive better results.

Download an eBook/Whitepaper from Feedbackly website to learn more!

Free eBook: Emotional Value Index (EVI®) - The next big thing in CX since the NPS (PDF

All you need to know about how to measure and use EVI® to grow your business.

Emotional Value Index and EVI® was studied 2013-2015 and first published at 2015 and are based on the working papers of Mr. Männistö J. and research of Feedbackly ltd, while going through his Masters Studies at the Department of Marketing, University of Turku, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade. Access the original research here.


Ownership and proper use

We encourage everyone to use the methods and tools associated with the Emotional Value Index™ to drive sustainable and profitable growth for their businesses through understanding the emotions of their customers. We do, however, require that when they are used, they are properly attributed and agreed upon by the owner of the concept first and that when they are used in the pursuit of a commercial enterprise, they are used under license.

Any reference to EVI® or Emotional Value Index™ and related trademarks / Servicemarks must include appropriate attribution, as detailed below. EVI® and related trademarks may not be used commercially without Feedbackly ltd’s prior written consent in the form of an EVI® license. If a person or a company benefits from using the EVI® they are committing an intellectual property crime. To be considered for a license, please contact us and tell us more.

© Emotional Value Index and EVI® are copyrighted, registered, developed, and owned by Feedbackly ltd and they are registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office, and with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. EVI® as a concept was built, researched, and introduced by one of the founders of Feedbackly - Jaakko Männistö - already in 2013-2015 while in his master’s studies research at the University of Turku.

Interested in licensing or using the methodology?

Would you like to use the Emotional Value Index® methodology with your service or product? Get in touch with us and ask about licensing, we would be happy to discuss different options how we could cooperate!

To take the first concrete step, please get in touch with us via the contact form below and we’ll get back to you!